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Nauja tvarka numatyti progresiniai mokesčiai — t. So he comes often to see Revathy and his son Karthick. Though Sakthivel live with is second wife he has unforettable love towards his first wife Revathy.

i pagal 2018

Pagal Nilavu 21-05-2018 Episode 542 Vijay TV Serial - The Serial is an Sequel of Andal Azhagar Serial Season 2, New and Next Generation with Andal and Azhagar Two Daughters and Sakthi and First Wife Revathy and Second Wife Son. Taigi, buvo nuspręstą imti iki 2017 m.

i pagal 2018

Shakthi join the same college. Revathy fall in love for each other likewise Prabha and Jr. Shakthi too fall for each other. Though they belong to the same family they all are rival among themselves. Elder ones of the family decide not to marry their child to relations. Karthik and Prabha clash at each other often. Though Sakthivel live with is second wife he has unforettable love towards his first wife Revathy. So he comes often to see Revathy and his son Karthick. This make both Revathy and Karthick uncomfortable. When Revathy was about to be arrested for 1 crore rupee bribe case though she is innocent , Sakthivel confess that it was his money to save Revathy. Malar who gets angry throws Sakthi out of the house and he also loses his minister post. A guiltful Revathy takes Sakthi to her home to help him.